Sunday, 30 December 2018

The Three Musketeers - The Preacher

Most of the Witchfinder General's henchmen are merely hired thugs, men of little moral integrity with a penchant for cruelty, but some, like the Preacher, are true zealots. A bonafide man of the fate, the General's right hand man truly believes in the holy mission. An otherwise kind and intelligent man, he will not hesitate to unleash his righteous fury on those he is led to believe are the spawn of Satan. A complex individual and a great swordsman to boot.

This characterful model is another King and Country ECW figure. As with the others in this faction, I took the liberty to make a few changes to better reflect the grim nature of his occupation. The colourful red and yellow striped sleeves were replaced with a more sobre black.

Source: King and Country - PnM054 - The preacher
The preacher model has one of the best faces in the range (shown here with original sleeves).

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